Wednesday, July 16, 2008

There is GOOD News...

I was realizing in the few blogs I have done readers may think Im just negative and come off as condemning or I wanted to attempt to say there is in this Chaos, mess there is something Beautiful and there is a lot of Good going on (fortunately more than I know and see). But I wanted to acknowledge some of those "good things" theres this young lady in her 60's in Richmond serving the families in the inner city. She’s from South Africa and we were blessed to spend a few months with her. And from teaching the kids soccer to feeding them and teaching them the Bible she is simply a saint in the truest form. Her worship is seen in her life of servant hood. There are individuals and couples giving up their life to live in the inner city of Philly to share the love of Christ by becoming all things that they can truly minister His love. I met two ladies in Morocco that were in their 60's and they had given their life to serve as midwives to be there for Muslim families and pray over each child as he/she enter the world that Christ may be the God of their family. Of course there are countless others from small town pastors that are consume with one family problem to the next problem. Single parents bringing their children up to trust in God. Missionaries by the thousands that go unnoticed on this side of heaven. The Billy Graham, Luis Palau, Greg Laurie, Campolo, among the many that have been faithful in serving God. Take a moment and think on those things that are Good, the Good in us is you and me allowing God to be seen and heard in our words and ways. In His Grace and Mercy we move, we that is some Good news. In closing words here is some good news from Erwin McManus "The good news is that we dont have to become gods to become something worth loving, worth respecting, worth valuing. Dont let your shortcomings and flaws convince you that you need to become something other than human. Our brokenness is not proof that God could not or would not love us but proof that what we need is the God who created us and loves us. What our souls long to become is not something other than human, but to become beautifully human."


Donny said...

I was just thinking about this. I know a lady who is also from South Africa who serves wherever she can. Maybe it's in the water in SA. This lady is ready to go whenever and wherever the Lord sends her. In fact, she will be helping young people at a local Fire in The Mountains event this weekend. I know people who have given their lives to further the Gospel. Not just preachers, but life-givers. Some serve food to people...while telling them that Jesus is the Bread of Life. Some teach children every day in math, science, and geography, while teaching that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Way. If you can't find people doing good, email me and I'll give you a long list.
Thanks Buck for reminding us that God is good and that "even while sin abounds, the grace of God abounds even more."

fishinfool said...

Amen. I wish the media/news would catch onto the idea that there is good things happening in the world.