Hey to all who may be checking this out now and then. We are here in London awaiting our flight to Kenya. Its 3:30 back home, 8:30 here and Kenya, well yea you get the picture. Jet lag is part of this wonderful experience. Anyway I asked for a window seat and they ended up giving us 2 windows and the emergency exit door which put me and my better half in charge of opening the exit door in case of emergency. And she added if you do open this door make sure to wrap your arm in this strap because people will be charging this door to get out so we dont want them to push you out. In total agreement. Our pay for doing this was lots of leg room which is a huge bonus and 2 feet from the restroom which is good and bad. So Im honestly still wondering what we are doing on this trip. We are sure God has said GO. But you know theres always something in us to want to know more. Now we board for Kenya in less than an hour. As we were landing here the flight attendent asked us where we were heading and when we told her she said hmm better you then me, ouch so comforting. OKAY GUYS/GIRLS IF YOU ARE READING ANY OF THESE BLOGS PLEASE SAY HEY OR COMMENT/BLOG AWAY... BY THE CHECK OUT THE PREVIOUS BLOGS AS WELL. WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW WHO IS ACTUALLY READING THIS. MEANWHILE WE WOULD APPRECIATE YOUR PRAYERS AND IF YOU HAVE REQUESTS LET US KNOW....BLESSINGS
Hey guys I just woke up and got your message. Im so glad you made it to London, now make it the rest of the way. You will be fine. You both know why you are there, cause for years now you have been pulled in your hearts to go. Just TRUST IN GOD and you will find all of your answers. You have no clue how much you both are missed. I cant wait to hear from you all again. Take care. I Love you guys.
No one is home. Where is home? Isn't our home really Heaven?
Well, that's one leg of the trip down. Glad your in London...that's one place I've never been.
Well be praying for success in your trip.
Oh, and by the way, I don't have any Coke bottles from Kenya...so bring me one back. My room needs more bottles. The ones there are getting lonely.
Hey Buck
Was Capt Obvious out flying so he could take that picture of the jet? I was just wondering how you got the picture. I won't tell anyone that you are Capt Obvious. Your secret is safe with me.
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