Thursday, October 29, 2009

Wanna Go Fishing?

It’s not often that I come across a news article that makes me smile but today I found one. In fact, tears of joy even welled up on my eyes. It wasn’t that I could even identify with the people in the story. I just saw the goodness of God in it. In fact, I could even see Jesus doing this.

It’s been a long time since I’ve packed up my fishing gear and headed for a favorite fishing hole. I have a friend who loves to do it. Maybe it’s the challenge of luring the fish in or maybe it just the lure of the fish that calls him to quiet, peaceful times. Whatever the reason, I get it. I used to go fishing with my grandmother. Actually, we made it a family event with my dad and mom, grandma, and my one brother. Those were the days. Speaking of which…Hey Fish! When are we going?

So I’m reading this article about a special fishing camp for veterans who have been injured. The one story that really touched me was one about a man who had a roadside bomb in Iraq explode near him. He ended up with a piece of shrapnel in his head. He lost motor skills, has headaches, and PTSD on top of the many emotional problems that I’m sure he is dealing with.

During his week there, he was able to be with other veterans who have had similar experiences. What was so cool is that his wife was even allowed to accompany him for the week, all expenses paid. He was able to learn how to fly fish, but in reality, he was learning how to work through his problems and know that he is not alone in dealing with them.

This is not a Christian organization that does these week-long workshops but I believe this is something that falls right into our back yard…or maybe pond. After all, who is better to teach fishing skills than someone who has been commissioned to be a fisher of men? Regardless of who is doing it, I’m glad it’s being done. Personally, I don’t think we can do enough to honor these men and women.

Honestly tho, there are many wounded warriors walking around. Many times you can’t see the wounds but trust me, they are there. Maybe you don’t fish. That’s ok. What do you like to do? Maybe you’re a hunter. I just heard an interview today during the AM CafĂ© with Melissa about an evangelistic program for hunters. Jason Crabb shared how he was at one of these events and many dads and sons came to know Christ. All from simply going hunting and showing and sharing the love of Christ. Maybe you’re a lady and you like to go shopping or bake. Why not invite someone to be a part of it with you? It’s not hard. Find what you like to do and invite someone to share it with you.

Here is the website for that group

This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for HE faced all of the same temptations as we do, yet He did not sin.
Hebrews 4:15

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Breathe Today

Is this the 3rd or 100th time I mentioned that I plan to keep up with this blog. I'm not even going to ask Is anyone out there? It would be like playing Simon Says alone. This is more than symbolic for me in being a leader. To be a good leader you have to know how to follow. And I do struggle with both more than I know. In running a youth center and promoting concerts there is leadership taking place there (or the lack of) having a Bible Study, preparing for events to parks, concerts, festivals,etc.. but just as important is how well I follow others that I suppose to be following. We find it a lot easier to follow people and things of this world that has God saying "are you sure about that?" (no not an exact quote). Here are some words from Flyleaf's Breathe Today
You can only move as fast as,Who's in front of you,And if you assume,Just like them,What good will it do,So find out for yourself So your ignorance,Will stop bleeding through.
If we are our own (or those around us) ultimate leader we are fooling and hurting ourselves and those around us. Its up to the individual to decide if the time,talents,pleasures (things we take for granted) are really ours or a gift from God. I tend to put that aside and it becomes "easier" to not concern myself about leading or even following but "better" yet just grumble my way through the day. Many of us are "competing" at wasting time(we are bleeding) When we are gone from here will it be how much time we spent with the computer, TV shows, books read,collected most "toys", games won, even facebook contacts? How about with God, family, friends and did we make a difference. I do find myself going through the motions (any old schoolers here just started humming M W Smiths song) reading just t0 finish up a book. Writing just to write, taking part in a conversation but not really listening (waiting for my chance to speak), in all of this and so much more not taking in the day but more like "taking advantage" of it. A lot of the time we are merely existing not truly living, taking in every moment; to see, hear, talk,laugh,cry,listen, being still and breathe.