Wednesday, March 21, 2012

THANKFUL?.... express gratitude, appreciation, or acknowledgment to

So much to be THANKFUL for and yet I know down deep (perhaps really deep)I tend to let my days be filled with complaining,grumbling,sighing,etc. The thought of not being Thankful enough popped in my mind this morning and I know this is true. And there is no one who likes a "grumbler/complainer". Your Creator or your fellow human being even if he is one he doesnt really want to hear yours. Like on Valentines day shouldnt be the one "main" day you express Love. Nor should Thanksgiving be the one day to "give thanks". so in the midst of our 24/7 days let this be a reminder to self and those who read this to give Thanks..and to start out here is just a few things I am thankful for..
God, His Love for Me
Freedom to live as I please
My Family Wife, Son, Mom Brothers, Sister, In Laws..
Living In the USA
Being Bless that we may bless others
Mission Trips (friendships,experiences)
Seasonal weather
shelter (basic needs overlooked)
food/clean water
Youth Center
The Bible
animals (dogs)
Somebody to Thank..
etc.etc..(to be continued)

Meanwhile What are You Thankful for?..

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mark1615 Optional?

I remember first reading this "portion" in the book No Compromise on Keith Greens Life. Then I heard this on a CD and now this video. I've never heard anyone put it in such a way. Most of us think in terms waiting to be called by God but the fact of the matter is that comes with You and I being a Believer. Its really the select few that are called to stay home and dont leave your comfort zone. For a week, 2 weeks, a month even for years, a lifetime. A lifetime thats all the early missionaries knew as they would take coffins along with them on their journey knowing indeed there would be no turning back. I was talking to a friend this past weekend and his whole life is dedicated to mission work and he said it was this very message that led him to the world of missions. If you are a Believer consider the calling has taken place long ago. If you are one of the few to stay then you are to pray and give in support of those who do go into all the world and those "uttermostplaces"..give, go, pray... 

"Sleepy Eyes,Stony Hearts in The land of Nod"

As I was reading a book Note To Self (no not a note to me that Im reading thats the title) this blog came to mind and so I went to it and realize much is the same 5 years later. In the midst of trying to find others to go to Kenya (or missions.) Im quite caught up in the trivial things, self,etc..

Tuesday, July 1, 2008(I mention it was a repeat)

Wide Awake in the land of Nod

A few of my friends suggested I start posting some of my "ramblings" so lets start the Blogging with 16 days away from our trip to Kenya. But first I just want to "ramble" about life in general. Based on a book she recently read my wife suggested "Beautiful Ache" as the title for the blogs. I was going to use "Live Laugh Love" but I think "die, cry, hate" would have been more eye catching and just as true, as in its all part of life. Life is a Beautiful Ache, we indeed are living in the "Shadowlands." My friend "D" and I ramble via emails about life, from God, religion to music and the best places to eat. There's definitely a beautiful ache in all of us and its all around us but most of us are so caught up in self and the things of the world that we miss out on this thing we call life. I realize there's a slim chance no more than a few actually reading this, but in case this gets a following I know there will be Christians saying "whats wrong with him?' and non believers saying "Wow, now he wonders why Im not a believer?". So let my first blog clarify this one thing: I believe in God aka Jesus Christ. He is the Creator behind this beautiful creation. But His people including myself have the tendency to represent Him about as well as a bad used car salesman or one selling an Encyclopedia set door to door. So in saying that now I can continue to ramble on....I have been on several mission trips and all along volunteer at a local youth center. And in all these years there are those who wonder why we go overseas when there is such need here. And at the same time the need here remains a Need in a land of plenty. Again one doesnt have to go overseas to be a missionary. Matter of fact it seems much easier for local Christians to enter a third world country then to work inside a youth center with aircondition and heat. I still cant figure that one out. Maybe its because we can come back with some cool pics and impress others that "the natives are friendly and we changed the world" That is of course until we have a concert then the bandwagon is filled and people having their spiritual pennants and poms poms to cheer us on. They even say they are on the same team. But they never show up for "another game". And I've said off and on for years Im burned out but NO I now realize its not that its Im just TIRED of people, religion, Self (Yea perhaps even you) to quote my friend.. "I'm tired of church. I'm tired of church politics. I'm tired of religious people getting upset because a man preaching has a tattoo or a piercing. I'm convinced that if Jesus walked in to most churches, no one would recognize Him. The man that they say they strive to be like they would treat like the plague. I'm tired of humanism. We build up self esteem to let the soul die in it's sin. I'd shut myself in a cave if I wasn't afraid of spiders. God has to be God or He can be anything else. If God would open the earth and swallow people, the world would say that God is not a God of love. However, when we declares His love, the church say that God has to judge sin. What do they want? Everything?" I do wish You and I were "wide awake" to know what it means to love Christ and to live every moment cause most of us (including myself) are not fully convinced this could could be our last day and so much of what we give our time to has little eternal value. So 16 days till Kenya then hopefully I can blog daily on our stay there meanwhile any topic by suggestion or burden will be blogged. I will close with the words of C.S. Lewis. "We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased."

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lifes Balance Beam

Can we get by with just hugging the beam and not even trying to place for a medal? Instead just being "satisfied" that we didnt fall off the beam even if we were crawling and hanging on for "dear life". All the trials, deaths, mishaps, sickness, burdens in my life compares little(actually not at all) to what Francis Chan explains happen in his life. Yet he didnt get caught up in all of that and use it for a excuse. His focus is on God and to live a life that is well pleasing to God and not himself or others. But as for me I get caught up in the latter. Walking the "tightrope" might not be going overseas but simply going across the street. Once finding a comfort zone be willing to leave it as well. And stop waiting for yourself, family member or friend to mess up, be sick,etc.. I have moments when I see Life as a GIFT and enjoy the moment and those around me. But even those moments are far and few in between. Its simply because when on the balance beam Im focusing on the beam itself or worst yet on self. God, deliver me from such that I may get more caught up in you and let you define me and this life I am to live for You.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Have you ever wondered what the Gospel really is? Have you ever clearly defined what it means? In the next 5 minutes, artist Propaganda breaks it down into 6 easy words...






Friday, March 2, 2012

Stuff Of Earth

This past week, a saint and servant of the Most High God  went home to stand in the presence of the God he's been seeking and leading others to.  This man had a present Word from God on the reality of Christ living within us. I've been fortunate enough to have sat under some of his teachings and experienced an unprecedented hunger for our Father.  I don't mean to brag on a man, but I believe in giving honor where honor is due.  For those blessed to have had any contact with him, your life will never be the same.  This man was a servant of God.  From the first time I heard him speak, I knew there was something different.  After I left, I had an unquenchable hunger for God and a stirring within me that left me unsatisfied with the ordinary.  I have never heard this man brag or boast in himself nor puff anyone up besides his Savior.  This past week, here on earth, we lost a general of the faith.  We all feel sad when someone close to us or someone that we respect passes on.  So what are we to do?   Today, I heard a song that reminded me of what's important and what's not. I'm learning that "stuff of earth competes for the allegiance I owe only to the giver of all good things."  When we look at someone's life that has passed, what really matters?   If they did something nice for us, does that count?  If they are liked by many, does that gain them any extra points?  If they teach us how to live, are we really better?   The apostle Paul said that we could give all we have to the poor, lay our life down, or even speak with eloquent words and yet if we don't have love, it really doesn't amount to a hill of beans...we haven't profited much.  I am finding that what really counts is if we have produced a conducive atmosphere that helps them connect with our Creator.  Stuff of earth is just that...stuff.  In the end, what will stand the test of time, eternity, are things that are born of heaven.  LOVE NEVER FAILS!!!  Foster those things in your life that are born of God.  God is love and everyone who loves is born of God, and knows God.    Enjoy the music of our long passed brother, Rich Mullins, who taught us to love and seek the lover of our souls.