Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Biggest Beautiful Ache

OK, folks. First of all, for those who read yesterday's version of this post, let me apologize and explain.

Yesterday I posted a video that I had picked up last week and believed it was something inspiring and touching. Unfortunately, I didn't know the full story.

The video was of a man who wrote a song called Healer. While I still believe in the truth of the song, I found out that the man's testimony was a lie. He said he had terminal cancer for 2 years and that God gave him this song. He even went so far as to say that the doctor told him he couldn't perform the song on stage without having oxygen tubes on. To make a long story short, the man didn't have cancer. It was all a big lie.

So, what have I learned from this?

1. Man is fallible. The writer of this song lied about something. Why? Maybe to gain a greater spotlight. This aches me. I have been crushed by this story. Believe it or not, when I heard, I stepped away, fell to my knees and asked God to help this man. You see, something deep inside him was aching too and it came out. I don't believe in throw-away people. This man needs help and hopefully his church and family will stand with him to get the help that he needs. And unfortunately, he is not the only one. We all have our problems. We all have an ache deep inside us. For some, it comes out in ways that hurts others. I do not excuse his sin, for his sin penalty has already been paid for by Christ.

That's the power of the cross. Look at Peter. He lied about Christ 3 times. And Jesus even told him that he would. Christ still offered the forgiveness that he needed. He even went on to tell him that when he was restored, strengthen the others.

2. The Truth is still the Truth! Even though he lied about his circumstances, the point remains that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed. I guess this man didn't ask for the right healing. He needed a healing in his heart. I have personally seen people healed. I know God can do it. I don't understand all of the reason for why He doesn't, but I know He still does.

3. My faith must be in Christ alone! Others will fail me. I've failed others. To quote the old hymn, "My faith is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame, but wholly lean on Jesus' Name. This will undoubtedly happen again in the church. It's been happening. There is nothing we can do to stop it. However, when it does happen, we must look to Jesus.

So, I do apologize for posting it. Please pray for this man. And while you're at it, pray for and encourage each other. It bugs me that this happens. And while I'm at it, it's bugging me that certain places aren't even pulling it or at least giving an explanation.



fishinfool said...

I hear ya. That kind of stuff bothers me so much, I do not want to have anything to do with the Church. Do church leaders not have discernment any longer? There is so much stuff going on like that it is stupifying. I can understand why people in the world lie about things. The biggest reason is they are trying to get ahead. But for church, it should never be about getting ahead. But then again, is lieing really all that bad. I mean if one reads I and II Samuel you will see David lied to priest etc.. and nothing happen to him. But then again, weren't there two well known people in the new testament who lied and paid for it with their lives? So as Jesus told Peter he would lie about knowing Him and would be forgiven, couldn't He have forgiven those other two? If He forgave the one why didn't he forgive the others? Whether we want to admit it or not, we all lie to someone including ourselves every day about something. Are there different levels of lieing/sin? For instance because of that one lieing in front of the Church should he be reprimanded any more than me for telling my daughter a little white lie? Aren't they both just as bad in God's eyes? I don't know the answers to these questions. This is the type of things I think about all the time.

fishinfool said...

To go along with that. What about things such as I saw on TV yesterday. There are people out there claiming there is gold dust falling from heaven. Also they claim there are angel feathers falling from heaven, fillings being changed into gold, precious jewells forming in peoples hands and a miriad of other things. Is this stuff really from God? What purpose does it serve? Could this be the signs and wonders the Bible talks about? If not then what are the signs and wonders? Are they just healings, speaking in tongues, prophecy, words of wisdom/knowledge etc... What did Jesus mean when He said we would do greater things than what He did? What could be greater than multiplying a couple of fish to feed several thousand or walking on water or calming a storm? Has anyone who may be reading this done any of those things? When Jesus said we could speak to the mountain and command it to be put into the sea, did He mean it literally? This is some more stuff I think about all the time. Is Christianity as we know it today the way it was intended to be from the begining? More questions I do not know the answer to.

Donny said...

Hey Fish! You are so right. We lie to ourselves every day. I'm still trying to figure church out too. That's why I have to keep going back to putting my trust in Jesus because I can't even trust myself.

I don't understand gold dust, feather, gold fillings or whatever. Bottom doesn't really matter.

Those things don't convince me that there is a God. People lying doesn't change my mind that there isn't a God. It's a faith walk. In the video, people were crying as he talked about being healed. Were they glad Jesus was his healer or just emotional that the man had cancer? Don't know.

And by the way, I saw on your other post where you talked about your wife. I will be praying.

fishinfool said...

I can only speak for myself, but I would guess those people were feeling some sort of emotion and calling it the Holy Spirit. Have you ever heard of the phenomenon called social psychological manipulation? Once this happens, you can make people as a group feel and think just about anything you want them to. I did not get a chance to see the video. Can it be found on you tube?
Concerning the "miracles", you say it does not really matter. What if people are being led astray because of what they are seeing? Don't you think it might be important to know for sure if it is truly a move of God? I agree those things do not convince me there is a God either, but for some it could be the difference between knowing the one true God and following the wanna be god. Couldn't the wanna be god be using this sort of stuff to make himself look like God? Just because you and I don't fall for it, does not mean our brother won't. Shouldn't we at least inform others about possible dangers? I don't know. I am asking questions because I don't know. As you said, I don't think we will ever figure out church. Maybe that is a problem. Maybe we are trying too hard to figure it out. Maybe it was never meant to be figured out. I am just thinking out loud. I sincerely hope I do not offend anyone. As you know, I have never been afraid to ask the difficult questions. I don't get answers to them most of the time, but I keep asking none the less.

Unknown said...

Donny good stuff! We know this will continue to happen in life. Fish glad to see you're back, I agree with what you are saying. Thre church is messing up but that will happen as long as its humans making up this thing called church. Im more concern with the church that doesnt challenge or call out falsehood..i know theres a long list but lets start on money scams, universalism, open theism, the apathy and hate!! etc,,I think writers like Rob Bell, Donald Miller and Brennan Manning, stephen james and rich Mullins speak into this ache that all of us have on this side of heaven. I guess Im trying to say I wish I would enjoy the beautiful part so much more and at the same time minister to others ache so much more as well....

fishinfool said...

There is something I have been wanting to ask you for a while now. Since you mentioned the "beautiful part" I am going to ask you now.
So what is the beautiful part of the ache we call life? You call it an ache, I call it something I will not write on your blog.
You mentioned those writers who speak to the ache. I have read some of their books. They were ok. I am finding though that more and more writers are dealing with subjects that have nothing to do with life and if they do, they do not offer any practical solutions to any problems.

Unknown said...

Actually theres a booked called Beautiful Ache by Leigh McLeroy.(check it out) My wife read and told me to check it out then when thinking of a name for this blog she suggested the title. When we live between a Heaven and Hell, I see it that parts of both will be all around us. As for why one of my friends loses a daughter in her teens, my family seems to get in line to get cancer. why millions are waiting to be adopted or even first taste of fresh water is messed up to me to say the least (keeping this "PG") But although there is ache and definitely some more than others There is beauty in the family that we have, the friends, the time we spend together, creation, good times (whatever that may be) and yet even the greatest of moments doesnt satisfy. C. S. Lewis once said "that if we find in ourselves a desire which no earthly thing can satisfy, the
logical conclusion must be that we are made for another world." PS check out the book and arrow pointing to heaven, its the life of rich mullins his writings and even his songs esp his last cd had much to say about church, and questions towardsd God>?