Okay back to the beauty of randomness. Since we just returned from missions lets explore the mishaps on mission trips. Usually these are quite unpleasant and painful at the time but they make for some great "no way" stories when we get home and well some of us can laugh about it as well.
For me it was on a trip in Morocco when the group was on their 100th glass of hot spearmint tea. And I asked kindly, "ah being it has cool down to 126 outside (no lie, it was 140) could I please have ANYTHING besides Hot tea..so they gave me a glass of Pepsi. Ah yes I gulped it down in a few seconds then I took notice to the jingling of ice in my glass. I was like Ohhhhhh No!
So I called my team leader over and said ah I think Im in trouble I just consumed this drink which has ice in it. She replied dont worry it was frozen(okay so she's not a doctor or nurse). So that night about 3am it felt like somebody took a machete to my stomach. So I ran to the bathroom(okay it was 3 feet away but I ran anyway) and well okay eventually went back to bed only to return again in a few minutes thats when I realize man shall not live by bread alone, but Imodium! I took 2 or 3 right away. Return to bed and Again back to the "throne room" and decided to see if it was possible to OD on Imodium. Because I am now thinking about in a few hours our team will be on a six hour train ride in 120 degree heat so I consumed a total of 7 Imodiums. The next morning the nurse on our team said it wasnt possible to do such. I reassured her it was and well I didnt need the restroom on the train. I did still come down with a fever for 24 hours and the first thing I ate coming off this sickness was a delicious lunch by my host which was a bowl of Chili Con Carne. (I couldnt even make this one up). Read On...
A team member of ours in Canada was telling about her outreach in India. And while traveling through town sightseeing a young man on her team came down with diahrea (rather it came down) and it hit instantly and out of nowhere so now this mess is running down his leg and coming out on top of his shoes. So this guy is running towards the base and just when he thinks it cant get any worse, dogs start chasing after him nipping at his shoes. The team members do their best to fight off the dogs and they eventually arrived safe and not so sound at the base.
The lady who shared this story informed me that she got sick as well on the same trip and eventually her body shut down and after severe problems with diahrea she collapsed and was out of it. Team members had to carry her back to base and clean her off and put her to bed. The next morning the team had to tell her what took place in her "adventure"....and last but not least..
Another team in India (hmmm what is it about India?) had to use a squat toliet (just imagine a hole in the floor and ah sharing that hole with the movements of the world) So in the middle of the night this man on the team goes out to use the squat and since the squat was on the hill, one actually had to work at keeping his balance. So as he steps in to use the squat he has his flashlight in his mouth and as he squats he loses his balance and well the flashlight falls in the mess and without thinking he grabs the flashlight and puts it back in his mouth (Arrgh!! and so much more). The team then heard a scream into the night. And Im thinking of the unnamed diseases taking place and how could he ever share this story. And as for his wife ah I dont think toothpaste or any amount of Scope would take it away.
Oh well if you have any not funny at the time stories but now they could bring laughter, even tears to your eyes, post them. Thanks. Oh and Imodiuim, dont leave home without it!
I wonder why no one has responded with their stories? I've done the squatty thing and I hated it. No really bad stories about it though. I even drank the water in Bulgaria. Now that's a brave move. Actually, it's not bad.
Yea I thought this would lighten up things and get many post...I have quite a few tell me they read the blogs but dont comment :( Its not that hard folks (easier than ah voting, oh wait...ah) just post so we know its not just a personal journey meanwhile any mission mishaps share them with us...and lets laugh.
yeah,well some don't vote either. Come on people!
Maybe its the topic? Do Christians poo and Pee? (Soon to be a Brad Stine routine?)Its okay..Well Donny you know in Florida voting can be really hard so maybe its the same with comments :)
I'll admit I have not made many comments lately. I think most of us are more concerned with if we are going to have enough money for gas than what we are with most of the things you guy's post. Don't get me wrong, I liked reading about the mission trip and the funny stories etc..., but I have never been on a mission trip and never plan on going. It is just not my thing. If all you are looking for is more post, then you may want to check the reason why you have this blog going in the first place. If you want more people to post comments start getting into their world. Start dealing with issues they deal with on a daily basis. For instance, my wife needs to have a biopsy done. They found some polyps in her lymph glads or something like that. We are not sure what is going to happen. She is only 35 years old. Maybe try to deal with the emotions I am feeling even as I am typing this comment. I know all of the cliches about how God does not let anything happen to His children without Him knowing about it etc... Believe me I have not only heard them all, but have been guilty of using the cop out answers myself. So anyway, I am just using that as an example. There are a lot of other issues people deal with. My wife is an office manager in a day care. There are a lot of people out there who can not afford to put their child into day care so they can work, but they can't afford not to work either. So what do they do? I know God provides, but what happens when things get down to where they are afraid to use to much toilet paper because they might not be able to buy it again for two weeks.
Listen I am not trying to rain on your parade or anything and Donny you know how brutally honest I can be at times. Honestly, there are so many blogs out there that are similar to yours if we responded to each of them we would not get anything else done. I guess all I am trying to say is don't be afraid to deal with controversial issues. And please take this comment for exactly what it is. A challenge to both of you. Try looking for some thought provoking issues. For instance, proverbs say's if you train a child in the way he should go, he will not turn from it when he is old. (my paraphrase)Does that stand the test of time? I did a research project on that very verse in college. I am not going to tell you what the outcome was, I am more interested in hearing what others think. So anyway, I know this may sound a little harsh and I apologize for that. Could be coming from the things I am dealing with in life.
And by the way, I am Christian and I Poo and Pee.
Fish thanks for the comment, Will be praying for you and your wife, I have seen cancer take its course a few times in my family. I have journal and talk to others about it as for blogging...perhaps you may notice on the side theres a blog about CF husband...dealing with a wife with cf and now cancer..."life isnt fair but God is good"..I KNOW that is so cliche but if God isnt good then well hell we are doom with out a chance..And while in Kenya we notice how unfortunate most are from lack of "tp" to never ever having ONE sip of fresh water...true there is so many topics to dive into I just thought we would at least lighten the load for a moment..blessings..
My post was not meant to be offensive in any way. I apologize to you if you were offended.
I do however appreciate your prayers.
I have noticed the blogs on the side. I did not find much interest there though. Besides according to what you and Donny made comments about, it sounds like you want people to post on your blog and not someone els's. I understand things are bad in Kenya and several other countries. Things are bad in the States also. For instance, I caught a girl stealing diapers last night for her baby.
I guess I am one of those type who enjoys a good controversial issue to discuss. I enjoy being forced to think about something in a different way. I thought that is what a Beautiful Ache was all about.
I just so happen to believe we are doomed and have been for a very long time. I mean seriously if this is really what Christianity is all about, I want out.
Again, I do apologize if I have offended you in any way.
Im not offended at all. But Why would I put blogs of other sites to look at if I didnt want people to check them out and even blog. By the way abortion for 500 and thousands dying and adoption for 25,000 is a serious issue but only one comment so thats what I saying its not the issue its just people dont post but like with anyone here I do believe most want to express their feelings rather we agree or not isnt nor should never be,,,Mullins once said something like God is right and the rest of us are just guessing/asking questions...
You mentioned abortion and adoption and the different cost for each. Does it cost anything for a mother of an unwanted baby to put that child up for adoption?
We have an abortion clinic in the city I live in. The pro choice people are trying to make it so the pro lifers have to pay a fee to protest and only at certian times. The mayor/govenor or someone like that is looking at the freedom of speach law to see if there is a clause in there about charging for protesting. So far the protestors have been very peaceful about it. There are some restaurant owners who are complaining that the signs the pro lifers are using has hurt their business. This could actually be the clause the local government is looking for. This is truly a messed up world we live in. Not only in other countries but in my own neighborhood.
I guess we got way off the funny missions stories subject huh?
I don't have any because I have never been on a missions trip. I can tell you stories about praying with and crying over inner city kids in philly though.
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