Saturday, May 14, 2011


Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.”

This quote got my attention earlier this year as I was thinking if one is really sick or getting late in the years does that person spend his time different. When I heard the word cancer Im thinking okay time to kick it in and make the most of my time. But guess what its that TIME no matter who you are or where you are in the life. Call it Carpe Deim, Live Every Moment, call it what you will but time is precious and I still find myself most of the time playing marbles with diamonds. Just not getting how precious and fragile life is and the relationships that make up our life. John Fischer points out how he feels like he accomplished something in doing so little.." i will often busy myself with something trivial so I dont have to encounter the complex or the uncomfortable. I am lethargic when it comes to the most important" Im right there with him if I get the house straighten up (by the way have you ever went to clean the house, office and as you pick up a book to put it in its right place you started reading the book and well cleaning doesnt get check off the list) or the lawn done then its as if something can be checked off the bucket list. How much trivial things take up our time as in to be the best at a game, hobby, or as the saying goes to "die with the most toys and still die"
In our world we are consume with computer,cell phone,TV,cds,Blu Ray Dvds,PS3..and perhaps consume doesnt cover it when you see people texting one another as they sit in the same room. Lives are being based on how many friends you have on facebook and dropping your status to the world every 5 minutes. Its fun to have these things but a blessing becomes a curse when it takes up more time then it should in your life. Facebook posts,high scores,fantasy teams,biggest collection,etc.etc.
We are losing days,weeks,years of life as we squander the most important things around us and by not spending this time with those who matter the most. I just got back from vacation by the beach with family. And though I did take in the sunrise a couple of times and enjoyed the time with the family I know I missed out. I know I am still learning to take it each and every moment. Starting with the air that I breathe, I need to..taste the food,dance to the music, hear the words,listen, love and live for others. Thanking the Lord daily and realizing this thing called Time is a gift from Him. The More I realize such the more I will be consume by those things that matter the most

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