Okay I said awhile ago my next blog would be about politics, to be honest no deep thoughts on this more like some more ramblings. But first out for those reading this: VOTE! Second and most importantly everyone, Reps, Dems, Black, whites,etc,etc.. need to realize McCain nor Obama is the answer. I mean no president has ever been the savior to all needs. But on that, Obama is promising better life for 95% of people with tax cuts, man Mr Obama that is a lot of people. My thinking is if dad is giving allowance to his son and dad gets a paycut then son gets less. SO ah Mr Obama if you tax the big dogs then they will pay cut the dads/moms in this world. McCain good luck in shaking off the "ghost" of Bush it doesnt seem to be working no matter if you are quite different. Okay I know more like 10 will read this rather than 1,000 or 1,000,000 (now that would be nice) but how does Obama pick a VP that said Obama had no experience and President of the United States was no place for on the job training, ah you think?!! I guess working at a youth center wont help me make a good canidate for Pres. Hmmm Well I think I have been to more countries then Obama or Palin. Hows that? Man I honestly cant wait will this election is over. I mean when else can one hear Pamela Anderson tell of her hate for Palin on the news. Why is anyone asking her thoughts on Palin,politics? Politics...as the comedian said poli=many, and tics=blood suck creatures. Politics is up there with religion they both seem to destroy quite well on their own. Obama has a book based on his faith. Yet he never heard his Pastor said anything so negative in 20 years of going to his church. And when his pastor was condemning America, Obama said ah he was misquoted but wait when the same man condemns Obama well then he disowns him, be it 20 years later. McCain your pick of Palin was surprising to say the least and good or bad you could not have chosen a more interesting person. The right love her and the far left hates her. And Mr Obama you said your pay grade isnt high enough to answer the question when does life begin? WOW! How long have you held that one in your pocket? As Peggy Noonan said, anyone who has ever purchased a condom knows when life begins. Ah I guess its not based on pay grade after all. I actually watch a good bit of the debate and wondering the whole time now why wont McCain look at Obama? Strategy? And Mr Obama you looked as distressed as Gore was in his debates. Its a bit scary to think of you meeting leaders without a teleprompter. And finally for those still reading this did you hear Biden say Mrs Clinton would have probably been a better choice then him. And mention in a interview about Roosevelt on TV in the 1920's talking about depression? Roosevelt? TV? Now when Quayle couldnt spell one word it when on weeks into years but Biden is pulling off some zingers. If Palin did such she would be asked to step down. In any case, thanks for reading, do vote but at the same time realize its just not the answer. Meanwhile this Thursday night will probably be the biggest watch political event ever with Palin vs. Biden. I can see the wrestling like ads now proclaiming this main event.... Perhaps just play a game of Jeopardy between the two of them. Winner moves on to VP and well the loser gets some great parting gifts...
I just saw a ad of middle school children singing a praise song for Obama how he will lead and change the life for these kids, america. Okay I dont want to see little kids singing about any politician. Matter of fact I havent seen such since the "home crowd" did so for Hussein, ah perhaps N koreans do as well. Man leave politics out of it, just sing a new song.
ok, now that's just sad. kids don't know what they're singing about. maybe someone should ask the kids if they knew that if Obama got in they would have less of a chance of even being born. now I.m getting political and I don't care who knows it. at least we would know he would show up for work. after all, he did vote present well over 100 times in the IL senate. whether he would do anything else is doubtful. if you are a Christian, look at the Word. I'm not saying I agree with McCain 100%, but I absolutely don't agree with Obama. That's my 2 cents worth. bottom line, I agree with Buck...get out and vote...or be quiet after the election (that part is mine).
So which of the two evils should I vote for? I do not like either one of them. Which one is the lesser evil? So who would lead us if no one voted? I guess you could call the president a leader. He can not really do anything without congress's approval anyway. So maybe we put too much emphasis on the presidential election when we should be looking at senators, congressmen etc... Even if the president wanted to ban abortion entirely he would have to get a passing vote from congress.
Besides one vote does not matter. If it did, then Pres Bush Jr. should never have won the election the first time. Gore had more individual votes but Bush had more of the electoral votes.
So maybe I will take Donny's advice and not vote and keep quiet about it. Neither one of them is going to do what they say anyway.
tired of politics, al the promises, again neither Man will rbing the answers voters are wanting but Obama does concern me and his extreme lack of experience and his views that make clintons look like a strong conserative not to mention his own VP says he is not ready to be president..and now all these fraud votes, one boy signed up 73 times to vote, Obama says dont let Them scare you cause I dont look like one of the presidents on your money, yes but lets not play the race card....Im "selah" and I support this ad.
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