Something we
all have in common and that most think they can beat. When some think of the
word death fear grip them. For others tragic memories of how it came, others
how it was a blessing, and others anger. For me I've had one person that I
loved pass away, my grandfather and it was a blessing when the Lord took him
because he was suffering. But in the moment I got the phone call numerous
emotions flooded my soul because my flesh and spirit were battling each other.
See death was never supposed to be something we experience. So when someone
dies our earthly thoughts take over. Our spirits however if the loved one was a
child of God, takes over and it makes us yearn for our heavenly home. Yes we
miss them, still cry over them, but we know they are finally in perfection,
what we were made for. See when I die I know I will finally get to stand before
my loving heavenly Father and see everything in His perspective. I have a goal
and that goal is to hear Him say, "well done my good and faithful
servant." So my life has purpose. For those of you that aren't a child of
God, what's your purpose? What are you living for? If I die and I'm wrong what
did I lose? What did I waste? Nothing. But if you are wrong you are risking
eternity. When we take a breath and exhale, we are not guaranteed the next
inhale. So yes death stinks, takes away some loved ones before we are ready to
give them up, but if they are a child of God let your spirit take over and
rejoice that they are in perfection. They are finally home. They made the
journey. We are just passing by here. So my prayer is that you will get right
with Christ. Live with a purpose. Eternity is in the balance. Death has no
favorites...no age limit. Live with eternity in mind.
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