Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Green Day Ramblings

Made it through yet another St Patricks Day without wearing Green. I think us Americans just make up things and days to either sell something or drink a few. (I mean lets go for groundhog day, if he sees his shadow you dont go to work or one determines to just drink a few or get smashed if theres a shadow...) I mean its not like in Ireland everyone is wearing green to avoid the "pinch" and well as for the drinking a few that pretty much goes without saying that is taking place just not so sure its the "special" green beer sold in our bars/restaurant's. Perhaps some green potatoes. Anyway years ago I was fortunate to visit Northern Ireland(dont just call it Ireland!) and everything is indeed green. And beside the beauty of the place the coolest thing is that theres NO snakes! Unlike Australia where just the thought of the spiders and snakes can keep me away.Checking out Hillsong still doesnt outweigh the thought of finding one of those things in my room. The people in Ireland are upfront as in they do indeed say whats on their mind. Upon our arrival in a small town in Northern Ireland a group of street kids left us a greeting on the playground that read F *** Off Bible Bashers. In working with youth here in the states I usually get at least a few hellos and can I have a drink before they flip me off. But there in N.I. within a weeks time those same teens were hanging out with our group and asked us to judge their skateboard contest. Which is equivalent to asking Richard Simmons to judge a Tough Man contest. One older couple had the team leaders (The were from N. Ireland) over for lunch and advised them that the group was wasting their time working with the street kids. (Did I mention they will say whatever is on their mind). And I was among a group of 3 visiting a couple where the woman of the house did her best to "mess" with me. I wont go into details but it involved a gold fish and a "hidden camera". But anyway in saying all of that the people and the place is beautiful. Actually for the most part everyone including complete strangers were very friendly. And I cant say enough how beautiful it is there. Yes Im just rambling,in honor of this "green day" Im reminiscing about Ireland. By the way if wearing Green isnt your thing heres a few to do for next year, dye your food green, listen to Celtic Woman, U2, Read something by Rich Mullins (the man was in love with Ireland), drive people at work insane with your horrible fake Irish accent,where red and tell others you thought it was valentines day (hey that might get you a 2 week notice) or just eat a few pounds of potatoes and call it a day. Anything else to do on this green day? If you actually read this one go treat yourself to some green eggs and deserve it.


fishinfool said...

I'm Scottish! So no green stuff for me.

Unknown said...

not even vegetables? got to have come greens :(

fishinfool said...

As few as possible. I tend to stay away from healthy eating. It will make you sick.