With all the sadness and trauma going on in the world at the moment, It is worth reflecting on the death of a very important person, which almost went unnoticed recently. Larry LaPrise, the man who wrote "The Hokey Pokey," died peacefully at age 93. The most traumatic part for his family was getting him into the coffin. They put his left leg in, and then the trouble started.
Well hey Im back! to those that read this, at least all of you have a front seat. Its been awhile so lets ramble on. Finished watching Rob Bells Everything is Spiritual for the 3rd or was it 100th time. That would truly alter our life if we grasped it. Its not about being Holy well at least I believe as most of us see holy in attempting to be perfect, not making "mistakes", impressing God. We cant do these things but we can reach out to others and find our rest in Him, Just like with holiness, I think most of us define rest as well sleep,a nap or nothing to do...perhaps a vacation but again most of us never find rest before a vacation so theres little or no rest during that vacation/holiday. To take a line from his video "The Gods Are not Angry"..We dont have to live this way, we dont have to live this way. So I came here to ramble, I was going to write about the politics and the wonder of spin and such but just cant do it. So anyway lets show one another everything in its own way is spiritual. Represent Him in any given opportunity this week, this month. Give something away, buy someones grocercies, be Creative, use your imagination, Your Dad majors in that work. Pay it Forward, Pass it on...and if you do so, why not share it here which just may encourage someone to go and do likewise....
Okay I just noticed I went from Jiggers to the Hokey Pokey, that is what one would call "random". But lets move on and be a blessing to someone else.
it is a wonder that we miss God!!! it takes great creativity to miss someone who is eveywhere and in everyone, who never sleeps and can be found in the air we breathe and the food we eat. He can be found in your feelings of worthlessness and your feelings of value, he show up when your sick and play with you when you feel on top of the world. If we miss jesus today its because we are choosing not to see him where he is. Please choose to quite confining him to a church building or a church service look within and realize that whatever your going through right now he is in it and a part of it he is actually it. Its hard to miss him when he is existance itself but its easy to put him in the limitations of our understanding and expain him away, then we can say; WHERE ARE YOU GOD? If you'll listen he simply say I AM KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE Randy
So Buck, if God only created good things, then what is the good part of jiggers? What original purpose did they have?
Anyway, it's sad to hear about the Hokey Pokey guy. I bet that was some funeral. I'm wondering if we should lobby congress for a National Hokey Pokey Day? Everyone else gets one. Maybe we should start an online petition and see how many signatures we get.
Speaking of which, did you know that Madeline O'Hare is trying to get Touched By An Angel off air? Did you get the email? There's one of my ramblings...how could a women who is dead try to get a program to be taken off the air that is off the air already? Please stop the insanity and quit sending forwards. They only bog down an already busy internet system and frustrate your friends. Speaking of which, if you send me one, it gets deleted without a second thought.
So I've rambled a bit too. Thanks for posting Buck!
Good question Donny well lets add roaches, mosquitos, poision,etc..gotta believe it was all good until the fall then we have much access to bad from colds, cancer to why does that exist or even at times why do i exist...? Bell reminded me that God is everywhere and many missionaries believe that God isnt there until they arrive and as he said if that is so then that "there" doesnt exist. God Is Here, There...and I have yet to do the Hokey Pokey so maybe that is what its all about...
PS Donny ah Canaan is calling :)
Ok, well roaches are good becthey will keep things alive after a nuclear blast. Mosquitos are here to keep the blood flowing. Aaaa....cancer, well that's for people that God wants to judge...wait a minute, that was until AIDS came around. Honestly, there's nothing good about cancer. It's all Adam and Eve's fault. I don't think I'll ever understand it all and I really don't want to.
As far as Canaan is concerned, I'm already there. Didn't you get the note? Come on up.
I didnt get the note :( wish I was there, Im down with a cold, feeling quite blah...thanks to all those reading this and special thanks to those that comment...
Mosquitoe larvae are predatory and serve as population control for other harmful insects. Roaches are scavengers who help keep the planet clean. Not sure what type of poison you are referring to but if it is the poison oak/ivy variety the oils secreted by those plants serve as a deterent to insects who may eat them. It just so happens that some humans are allergic to the oil. I for one am not. I can wade through the stuff with shorts on.
So I guess everything does serve some sort of purpose. Would God really create something for no reason?
Anonymous, please explain further how God is in the air we breath and in everyone? I have met some people I would have to say God is NOT in.
Selah, Hope you are feeling better.
So Fish, I guess then if we need to get the poison out, we need to call you. Which reminds me, there are some in the Body of Christ who do just that. The Body isn't just feet and arms, it red blood cells, white blood cells, good bacteria and so forth. Every person has a function in the body. I have to think that somehow that the appendix has a function. After all, why was it created?
Maybe that's what it's all about.
Well maybe that isn't what it's all about but it's certainly a piece.
Well I gotta believe before the fall of man we could all wade thru the poison, no malaria bites to worry about, hey no thorns on roses, so no pricking (dont even want to go there) and you wouldnt fall when you did the hokey pokey..before the fall, Now thats what its all about
Ah, the beautiful ache! Imagine that...before the Fall we could do the Hokey Pokey with the "fall". I can't wait to get to Heaven to do it right.
Even the Protozoa that causes Malaria serves a purpose other than causing people to die. They actually attack and consume bacteria, fungi and algae. Microscopic of course. It just so happens the human body can not take such a parasite and survive.
Thanks to Adam & Eve.
Just because man has not discovered the purpose for something does not mean it does not have one. If God put it there, it must serve some sort of purpose. Unless of course we really did evolve from the protozoa mentioned earlier and the appendix is just left over from something else. Naw I don't think so either. Just wanted to make sure you were awake.
The best way to get rid of poison ivy/oak is to spray it with round up. Although round up will kill everything else it is applied to. You can spray a weed next to a flower and if you don't get it on the flower it will not kill the flower. So be careful. Not quite sure how we went from the Hokey Pokey to spraying weeds but that might be what it is all about. Not sure though.
Fish, I'm not sure either but thanks. My fav treatment for poison on the skin is either bleach or a mixture of alcohol and baking soda. Don't drink the alcohol, just make a paste and apply it. Of course, you don't have that problem.
I have heard of the bleach but not alcohol and baking soda. I have also heard that if you put bleach on it, you could get blood poisoning.
Does anyone know what it is all about?
I just want the Hokey Pokey to be the one with the most post ever, and now thats what its all about....ps...hopefully back to posting with politics and a strange "ism" in religion?
Like "Christianism"?
What was it all about again?
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