Thursday, June 16, 2016

..the least of these

We are just a day away from returning to the states and I've been reminded of just how bad we have it. I mean according to all of our problems we post on Facebook, we are the unfortunate ones. But I believe for many believers the worst problem is the F word "FEAR". I’m not talking about the Godly fear but the godless fear. We trust Him within our imaginary walls of church, family, work, friends, hobbies and the world of FB, but are scared that the next politician will rob you of who you really are (making the president out to be more like a messiah).  The thought of leaving this man made comfort zone is just too much. God is not interested in keeping you where you are at not by a long shot, and that leads to a good/bad FEAR. If you would trust God in stepping out of your comfort into a third world problem, it would be life changing. Just minutes of walking through the slums or listening to their problems God will ruin you. By making the things of this world truly grow dim. Although they have next to nothing their smile reminds you they have hope. Our forgotten Christian brothers and sisters won't be going on any vacation, taking in major sporting events, or trading in houses and cars for that better life. I see all the things they are supposedly missing out on and I swear it's us that is missing out. The opportunity to speak into ones’ life and change it is there right before you, if only for a moment or two but perhaps for a lifetime. As a friend who once lived in the slums (now in England) told me "Few people know the beauty of stepping out of their comfort zone".
"The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of THE LEAST OF THESE brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. Matt 25:40
The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “GO AND DO LIKEWISE. Luke 10:36
And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward Matt 10 42

Monday, June 13, 2016

Back to School Special (Kenya)

We visited a school while here that takes care of 420 students. When I say “take care” I mean 2 meals a day and education. The 2 meals a day consist of breakfast and lunch and guess what many of these kids will have for their dinner? An empty stomach awaiting the breakfast. Lunch every day is beans/corns with rice. Sounds good right? Everyday? Hmmm. I can’t imagine myself or anyone I know for that matter being a happy camper if that’s ALL you could eat every day. Now let’s throw on top of that you live in the slums. So in our visit we had some candy for SOME of the kids and brought one soccer ball with us (not knowing the size of school) I felt like I threw a rock in the ocean to make a difference.  Back in 2014 when we were part of an outreach that washed feet and gave new shoes to the kids we were told that kids knew of the dream/ better life but knew they would never know of such a life in reality. Okay just the same meal everyday would set us off moaning and complaining even if we had the nice house, picket fence, 2.5 kids and a nice job. I mean it takes a billing error sent to us or  bad online connection to go off and we are somewhere between angry or just plain pissed off. This school is being sponsored by an organization from England. The school is mostly made up of concrete/clay. But again its amazing (lack of a better term) to see those who can do so much with so little. So I guess the reason I’m writing this is for the most part because there shouldn’t be the “so little”. Yes the “poor will always be with us”  . So much of the world lives on a few dollars a day (Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. 1 billion children worldwide are living in poverty. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty) But meanwhile we will spend more money annually on pet food than mission outreach (aka caring for those less fortunate than us). Of course we can post it on FB., “Like it” and even hashtag it and call it a movement but we have to get involved. And honestly I’m not sure how that works because from the small Tri state area I’m from most of the time Christians and churches stumble when it comes to working together. Doing their “own thing” on the same day/night to see who can be bigger or burn brighter, perhaps? But one thing I do know we are ALL in this thing together from Keyser to Kenya

If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 1 cor 12 26

 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “GO AND DO LIKEWISE. Luke 10:36

Friday, June 10, 2016

Karibu (A few thoughts from our return to Kenya)

We've now been here a few days. And although this is our 5th time here at times it seems in many ways like our very first time. I don't get use to the sights,sounds and smells that surrounds me. But as the team is traveling to its outreach destination I look into my son's eyes and see my wide eye wonder son. He is taking it all in and I believe he is seeing through his Father's eyes more than any of us. Yes he sees color of skin (for later discussion) but he doesn't see rich,poor, not impressed by appearances (or lack of) of people,things or houses. Actually I don't think I've seen my child smile so much as he had done so yesterday. From morning devotional time with the staff to the "long" travel to our outreach Noah just keeps looking at me smiling. If I didn't know any better I think he is telling me "relax dad it's all good!" And truth is most times i dont know any better. From Keyser to Kenya my eyes tend to look to the circumstances in life rather than Christ.  And once I lose focus I am no longer recognizing His presence in the present.  And since our arrival Ive been reminded by Noah at least 3 times a day as he sings (and ) dances ....
There's a sun coming up
In my soul, Lord, in my soul
There's a sun coming up
In my soul, Lord, in my soul
I see the light, I see the light
I see the light, I see the light
Oh, thank You, God, I see the light
Woah, woah, woah....