Everything I Needed to Know I learned in Kindergarten, Preeschool, School, Universities, Life, a cave...you name it and Im sure a person will claim to learned his/her "everything" there. Learning indeed is a process to say the least. But perhaps more than anything or rather any place its the womb where we have everything we Need. And this is most important to have before we can even begin to learn. You see the Creator chose to create us in our mothers womb to first of all have a relationship with Him and live a life that would define that we are in relationship with a living God. Countless reminders in His word tells us of this creation: "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. "Psalm 139
Before I was born the LORD called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name..And now the LORD says—he who formed me in the womb to be his servant" Isaiah 49:1,5
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
While we were in Canada we became friends with some young ladies from South Korea and they informed us that they have 2 ages, one is what is the norm to most of us in that at birth its day one for the child. But in South Korea many parents see their newborn child as 9 months old and will celebrate the babys first birthday in just 3 months. I do believe there is something beautiful in that as it recognizes the life that has all along been taking place. When you hear the heartbeat of a child in the womb and see a heart the size of a grain beating on the video its a moment of silence that puts you in awe. Of course we are missing out on this in that its common place for many in the world to have an abortion. And there are those who treat a child like they are a burden or confuse to which is to be loved on more the child or the pet.
But back to the womb the place where God touched us, already breathed life into us and through all the good, bad, the questions and answers in life He instilled in us a reason and will to live. And yet I know that life has twisted many hearts and blurred even snuffed out the reason for some to go on. But its there in His word, and I will take God at it.Life is not fair (at times far from it) but God is good! He promises everything we need is in Him. Not in material things, not in getting 3 wishes or even prayers answered but that we will see no matter how much we learn (or failed to learn) or how far we go we can always come back home and He will always be our only need.
"You're all I need when the world is closin' in my strength is runnin' thin when i'm lost in the storm You're all i need there's no need to look anywhere there's nothing that can compare to the love that You give You're all i need You're all that i want nothing in this world could give me more" "you're all I need" -Kry
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
Before I was born the LORD called me; from my birth he has made mention of my name..And now the LORD says—he who formed me in the womb to be his servant" Isaiah 49:1,5
Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1:5
While we were in Canada we became friends with some young ladies from South Korea and they informed us that they have 2 ages, one is what is the norm to most of us in that at birth its day one for the child. But in South Korea many parents see their newborn child as 9 months old and will celebrate the babys first birthday in just 3 months. I do believe there is something beautiful in that as it recognizes the life that has all along been taking place. When you hear the heartbeat of a child in the womb and see a heart the size of a grain beating on the video its a moment of silence that puts you in awe. Of course we are missing out on this in that its common place for many in the world to have an abortion. And there are those who treat a child like they are a burden or confuse to which is to be loved on more the child or the pet.
But back to the womb the place where God touched us, already breathed life into us and through all the good, bad, the questions and answers in life He instilled in us a reason and will to live. And yet I know that life has twisted many hearts and blurred even snuffed out the reason for some to go on. But its there in His word, and I will take God at it.Life is not fair (at times far from it) but God is good! He promises everything we need is in Him. Not in material things, not in getting 3 wishes or even prayers answered but that we will see no matter how much we learn (or failed to learn) or how far we go we can always come back home and He will always be our only need.
"You're all I need when the world is closin' in my strength is runnin' thin when i'm lost in the storm You're all i need there's no need to look anywhere there's nothing that can compare to the love that You give You're all i need You're all that i want nothing in this world could give me more" "you're all I need" -Kry
How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
Going through older posts found this at 3/28/10 but never posted. And earlier came upon a blog about a couple adopting..so seems timely/fitting, etc...
probably my favorite blog and most defintily my fav pic! I know that i never thought i would enjoy being a mother or even being pregnant, but i am like you when i say his little face and profile on the screen for the ultasound there is no better feeling than that. Now to see him learning laughing and exploring it makes me realize how much i take for granted. Oh to have the faith of a child and the wonder of a child. Woudln't it be awesome if we all got excited over the little things in life? Very good honey love ya!
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