Okay so We do happen to have one new "commenter" who just happens to be a "marketing guru" for the bailout. Ah Yes just what I was looking for. But this is just a little note perhaps from the HELP section for those out there that say I tried to comment but didn't know how to do it? In the words of Doug (king of queens) "Seriously!" You have made it this far 1. You turned the computer on (Or perhaps kept it on since you plugged it in and have ever since been praying for no power outage) 2. You found this specific website so you can right & left click 3. Perhaps you are even now googling aka searching. So ALL you need to do is click comment then submit and we have "liftoff" Yes I would like to see a a "group" of people commenting and exchanging ideas here, call it blogger envy, call it "online fellowship" call it whatever you want I just think its one of the better ways to use online. By the way do people still go to chat rooms? I remember chat rooms before Yahoo,MSN,AIM,IM,etc..Then theres myspace then came facebook (a millionaire from getting people to add their faces to the concept of myspace, seriously? Im sure the anatomy online book wont stop there) I believe our talk on the bowel problems had more comments than prayer concerns, Interesting? And for some I know who read this are thinking they have nothing to say? But Please, everyone always have something to say. If nothing else consider this a slow chat room and leave a comment as you leave the (cyber) door on your way out.
I sort of hate to ask, but could you repeat that? I could not hear you. Was it right click then spin your self around? Was it spin yourself around left click and stand on your head? I am so confused. These new fangled comeputors are too much for me to handle.
Hey just joking but at least I had something to say.
Seriously though what is the general Christian population thoughts on the economy? I hear what the media and world think all the time, but never hear what the general feelings are of the Christian community. Anyone care to share?
Thanks Fish, well Im not for bailouts, not sure how you choose who do you give it to? And certainly not if their "plans" are not going to change. I mean if you or I get in serious debt I doubt if the government are going to bail us out. But perhaps that will be a new policy?
I have a ton of education debt. Do you think they would "bail" me out? Especially considering the education is not making any cash flow for me.
If there are any wealthy members of society out there who read this blog and would like to make a donation to a worthy cause. I am accepting. I promise it will be put to good use in that it will help pay off my rather large educational debts.
OK, here are my two cents worth....which is about what a dollar will be worth after all of the bailouts.
I don't believe the economy is great but I also don't believe it's as bad as we're being told. My first gauge is to look at restaurants. If they are busy then the area must not be doing too bad.
Then I have to go back to the Word. Maybe it's the preacher in me or just that it is my final authority in everything.
Habakkuk says that even though the figs trees don't blossom and there isn't fruit on the vine, even though the fields are empty....yet I will rejoice in the Lord. I will joy in the God of my salvation.
I am learning to stop counting sheep and cows (thanks Fish) and to be thankful for what God has done...not what he hasn't.
BTW, I have several friends who got better (significantly better) gas mileage when the prices were higher. I even know a girl who got a grant for college that she hadn't even applied for (that's for you too Fish). God's economy is still the best one around. Trust in Him.
So, Merry Christmas to all and to all a great day!
Could not agree with you more. The local Olive Garden never has any parking spaces. If things were as bad as they want us to believe, there would at least be a couple of places to park. The real test for retailers is going to be how much business they do after Christmas. There are probably going to be more lay offs coming down the road.
He owns all of the sheep and cattle on the entire face of the earth. If He so chooses to allow me to borrow a couple of them during this brief span we call life then praise be to God. Although even if He does not choose to allow me to borrow said sheep and cattle then praise be to God anyway. What is life anyway, just a vapor that fades away at the rising of the sun. Or a puff of dust that floats away with the slightest of breezes.
How are you Selah. Someone you chatted with in Christian Chat rooms before you got married. Miss talking to you. Tell everyone
What is your new topic?
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