Saturday, November 8, 2008

What Happened?????

OK folks, help me out with this one. I was in the mall the other day and while it didn't surprise me, it did disturb me.


I've been in retail and I know that many businesses depend on the Christmas season ( and yes I said Christmas and not "holiday"). While I'm kind of glad that retailers haven't marketed Thanksgiving like they have Christmas, I feel like I've already missed Thanksgiving and it hasn't even happened yet. Can you imagine retailers trying to make a profit off of selling one turkey to each family?
I guess that's why I haven't seen a single sign in the mall wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving. As a matter of fact, I haven't even had one single person wish me a Happy Thanksgiving.
Is it culture or just being way to busy that keeps us from showing thanks?
Jesus knew this was true even in His own day. He heals 10 lepers and only 1 returns to thank Him. That sounds about right...10 percent. What is interesting is that all 10 were healed but Jesus told the 1 that he was whole. This word has intriqued me for a while. What does it mean to be "whole"?
Without going into a bible study or trying to "exegete" the phrase, let me just say one thing...there are a bunch ( and probably all) of us who need a healing somewhere in our lives. Maybe the wholeness comes when we start giving thanks.....hmmmm. Think about it.
And while I'm at it, let me say "thanks" to every one of you. Thanks for reading and thanks for your friendship.


Unknown said...

Exactly! But its hard to beat the Christmas Rush when they start it in July? Just cant market a turkey like Halloween candy and gifts, lots of gifts.. My better half has told me already she is tired of Holiday Music, lol. You would think the local grocery stores would at least go with happy thanksgiving. Maybe have giant turkey at the mall to get your kids pictures with,ah yea sarcasm. But in all seriousness Im not sure I ever met someone who was TOO thankful. I have a lot to be thankful for, more than I could ever imagine! So Thanks guys to all who read this, Thanks!

PS,,for some who may still have trouble posting back just click "comment" below the blog then leave comment and click publish..

fishinfool said...

wanted to say "Happy Thanksgiving".
No Selah, thank you for taking the time to build a site such as this.
I hate what retailers have turned Christmas into. It was never intended to be what it is today. I think this year is even going to be worse. What would happen if just one year, everyone in the US would simply not go shopping on black Friday and not buy anything for Christmas? I know it will never happen, but imagine if it would.

Unknown said...

Yes Fish, Good the masses of (10 0r 100) that this reaches why not celebrate Black Friday and give money to a need,,,you know as in define true religion in giving to those who cannot return the favor. The news said we will spend less this year. Well 1. I will believe it when I see it and most importantly, what is less? I mean we go insane in our spending and end up much like the one year old who is more impress with the pretty wrapping paper than the gift itself.

Donny said...

You know, I have had more people wish me a Happy Thanksgiving than I have in a long time. Thanks Fish for the Thanksgiving wishes...back at ya!
We are getting ready to play Christmas music next week (11-24) and I'm actually looking forward to it. Especially the Denver and the Mile High Stuff...awesome!
Thanks everyone for reading.