To all the Believers defending our Leaders comments
referring to Africa and Haiti as a "****hole"( Lets stop stumbling
over the flag to the defend the "undefendable".) yea that's what Jesus would say. Yes, there are Third world places and according to the Word they are our Brothers
& Sisters. You see the very one we call God aka Jesus was born in a barn
around lots of dung or as some might say a hole. Who would've thought God
himself would choose to come from such a hole. ",,Can anything good come
from Nazareth?...COME AND SEE"
Now I dont want to hear well Obama said this or a Dem/Rep said such and such. We have made EVERYTHING political when its the heart that matters. I have personally been to some poor areas of Africa and despite the lack of everything you couldn't imagine how the people host you. With such open hearts and arms this thing that some may call a "hole" is their home.
Many Americans would be shocked to know many of the families in the slums are hard workers and at it for long hours to just get by in life. Where we go on the brink of insanity when online goes out for a second. Or we weigh our success in life based on "likes" on Facebook.
It would do everyone of us some good to leave our comfort zone and enter into one of these so called "holes." As somebody once told me, " very few people know the beauty of leaving their comfort zone." And such is a necessity in life.