Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Home Sweet Hole

     To all the Believers defending our Leaders comments referring to Africa and Haiti as a "****hole"( Lets stop stumbling over the flag to the defend the "undefendable".) yea that's what Jesus would say. Yes, there are Third world places and according to the Word they are our Brothers & Sisters. You see the very one we call God aka Jesus was born in a barn around lots of dung or as some might say a hole. Who would've thought God himself would choose to come from such a hole. ",,Can anything good come from Nazareth?...COME AND SEE"
    Now I dont want to hear well Obama said this or a Dem/Rep said such and such. We have made EVERYTHING political when its the heart that matters. I have personally been to some poor areas of Africa and despite the lack of everything you couldn't imagine how the people host you. With such open hearts and arms this thing that some may call a "hole" is their home.
     Many Americans would be shocked to know many of the families in the slums are hard workers and at it for long hours to just get by in life. Where we go on the brink of insanity when online goes out for a second. Or we weigh our success in life based on "likes" on Facebook. 
    It would do everyone of us some good to leave our comfort zone and enter into one of these so called "holes." As somebody once told me, " very few people know the beauty of leaving their comfort zone." And such is a necessity in life. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Unsure on Zahns "sinners in the hands of a loving God"

      As I read more and more of Zahns book I believe I was either reading a universal ism view or somebody skating on similar thin ice. The in depth detail debate did God crucified Jesus or humans and all of the system and its darkness. And where as I understand where both sides attempt to come from ultimately God is in charge. All happens with His all-knowing divine knowledge. But the closure for me was trying to fit anyone and everyone into Heaven and perhaps only the Hitler’s of the world go to Hell. Perhaps this was not his attention but I definitely took it in such a way. Which may seem logical and even right to many humans but life shows what we think is such can lead us the wrong way.  Jesus Christ remains the Life Truth and the Way. And I do want to add a major point is of Zahnd to see God as who He really is and that is Jesus Christ. And  a very important part which I seldom read or hear any "messenger" speak on there are everyday living Hells from the slums in India and Africa to those who are around us locked in a world they want out of and may our lives reflect the true words and ways of Jesus Christ. We are sinner who by the grace of God become sons and daughter and indeed are in the hands of the one true loving God. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

There is More to Life

     Brian Houston writes a very uplifting book with There is More. I was looking forward to this book hoping it would tell his life story and with that it did not disappoint.  He shares of his humble beginnings in leaving a "set"position” in his dads church to follow the dream and desire God placed on his heart. I would recommend this book to read for inspiration but even more so as a challenging reminder that God has such a plan for each of us.  As he states "Even when you dont feel like it, when it doesnt make sense, when its inconvenient and frustrating listening to Jesus, trusting His voice and obeying His commands will always exceed your expectations."

     The thought that God wants to exceed our dreams and desires is an awesome thought that is honestly hard to grasp but the more we realized that He has place his desire in our hearts to be a difference maker to the the extreme. This life is not determined by what the world says or even what we say but what God says. And this is what we are to live by. To be Christ like in this world and to make Him known. Thats the "more" part this life is about Him and for us to live it out by and through Him. Then and only then will we find the More.