This Christmas Americans will spend 437 Million on "Christmas" (down 1% from last year) Avg American will spend 832.00 on Presents&decorations. And over 3 billion
ppl make less than $2/day
thats 730 a year.. See I think that alone is enough for a blog. I believe the majority of us would agree that we spend way too much. Yet that
doesnt stop the majority of us from buying for others things they
dont need and in return they get us things we
dont need so we can say Merry Christmas. Could you imagine if we only spent on gifts the amount we drop in a Salvation Army bucket then perhaps use that "spare change" to buy the gifts.
Im not sure how any family spend 800-1600.00 and then explain to the kids its not about the gifts.
Im no scrooge in that
theres nothing against celebrating this Holiday season and exchanging gifts but we could actually make a difference in helping out those in need of help and perhaps let that be our giving/gifts. This church in the Houston area led by Chris
Seay held a Advent Conspiracy program where the people agree to actually give their money away to help provide clean water for those in need instead of buying clothes someone will return or the latest game your kid will be bored with in a day or three. In 2006 three churches combined to give 500,000, In 2007 more churches got together and gave over 3 million. Its estimated 10 billion dollars is need to Solve the clean water epidemic. Sounds like a lot until one hears the world spends about 450 million on Christmas. Okay its late in the year but each of us can do something for somebody (someone that cannot pay us back) without expecting or wanting something in return. Perhaps next year plan to do more, give more.
After all that is the reason for the Season, right? Its not the PS3,
Wii, Black Fridays, returning 1 million gifts, etc. If you are reading this you are so bless, and you simply are bless to bless others. Merry Christmas.