Friday, January 19, 2018

Unsure on Zahns "sinners in the hands of a loving God"

      As I read more and more of Zahns book I believe I was either reading a universal ism view or somebody skating on similar thin ice. The in depth detail debate did God crucified Jesus or humans and all of the system and its darkness. And where as I understand where both sides attempt to come from ultimately God is in charge. All happens with His all-knowing divine knowledge. But the closure for me was trying to fit anyone and everyone into Heaven and perhaps only the Hitler’s of the world go to Hell. Perhaps this was not his attention but I definitely took it in such a way. Which may seem logical and even right to many humans but life shows what we think is such can lead us the wrong way.  Jesus Christ remains the Life Truth and the Way. And I do want to add a major point is of Zahnd to see God as who He really is and that is Jesus Christ. And  a very important part which I seldom read or hear any "messenger" speak on there are everyday living Hells from the slums in India and Africa to those who are around us locked in a world they want out of and may our lives reflect the true words and ways of Jesus Christ. We are sinner who by the grace of God become sons and daughter and indeed are in the hands of the one true loving God. 

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